Millennium Project
- Why is the Parish Church in Danger?
- Protecting our Heritage
- Our Target
- How You Can Help
- Key Points to Remember
- Contact
- A Short Guide
Why is the Parish Church in Danger?
Despite substantial repair work carried out in the past five years, the latest Quinquennial Review has revealed serious problems of structural decay. Surveys have identified widely pervasive damage due to active infestation by beetle, and decay due to wet rot. Urgent restoration work is therefore needed to the timber roof, stonework, wooden floors, internal wooden fittings, pews, rainwater and drainage system, and elsewhere.
Protecting our Heritage
The present Parish Church of St Peter and St Paul provides a link with the past over many generations of Deddington people. It occupies the site of a 12th-century building, with enlargements and extensions in the 13th,14th and 17th centuries. The magnificent square buttressed tower dates from the Civil War, when Charles I requisitioned the original bells to be made into munitions for his artillery. Today, it is at the heart of the village, architecturally, culturally and socially, as well as fulfilling its traditional religious purpose. The charm and character of Deddington are dependent on the Church at its centre. That Church will not survive into another century unless substantial sums are raised to save it. To that end, a Restoration Appeal has been launched, which everyone in the village is invited to support generously.
Our Target: £250,000
In order to effect all necessary repairs and ensure that the fabric of the Church is maintained over the next few years, we need to raise at least £250,000.
We will get help towards this sum. A number of Trusts, including English Heritage, are sympathetic to our cause. In addition, the Church Commissioners will pay for all essential repairs to the chancel, and the Diocese of Oxford will also contribute.
However, we will get no outside help unless we are seen to be helping ourselves.
A substantial proportion of the money that we need must be raised in the village. We are the Parish of Deddington. If we don't act to save our Church no one else will save it for us!
Through the generosity of our Patrons and others, and through several functions already held, we have made an encouraging start. However, in order to meet our target, we must involve everyone in this Appeal and that includes you!
How You Can Help
We are looking to everyone who lives in Deddington now and to those who used to live here and perhaps now live elsewhere - even overseas - to help us in this major task. Please give some thought as to how you may be able to assist. Every contribution will help to secure the future of our Church.
We very much hope that many people will want to help directly through covenants or Gift Aid donations of £250 or more. Not only does a covenant spread the load of a substantial gift over four years but, like Gift Aid, it enables us to claim the income tax, adding almost 30% to its value.
For further information about covenants or Gift Aid, please contact the Treasurer, Jim Flux, whose address and phone number appears below.
We are also looking for organisations and individuals to help with fund-raising events. If you are prepared to get involved in this way, please contact Kath Morris or Josie Stevens whose phone numbers are also appear below.
Can you imagine the village without the Parish Church?
Key Points to Remember
Deddington Church is one of the finest examples of 13th and 14th century English architecture in the area and is a Grade II* listed building.
We are not alone in our efforts to save the Church. However, we will get grants only if we ourselves also raise funds.
The Appeal already has the active support of very many people. They are giving generously in both time and money. Please make your commitment to join them.
The Parish Church is not only a place for worship, weddings, baptisms and funerals, it is also a venue for events and a building of great beauty and historical interest. It is at the heart of our village.
Unless we all work together to save this priceless village asset, there is a real possibility that the building will have to be closed it will soon become too dangerous to enter.
"Deddington Church is one of the finest in the county.
Please give generously to this Appeal."
Hugo Brunner
Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire
Appeal President
"Unless action is taken soon, it is possible that this beautiful
and historic building will be too dangerous to enter."
John Perryman ARIBA
Church Architect and Surveyor
Hugo Brunner, Lord Lieutenant of Oxfordshire
Mrs Elizabeth Edwards
Group Capt & Mrs Denys Heywood
Lady Kellett
Mr & Mrs Simon Pleydell-Bouverie
Mr & Mrs Donald Welford
Jim Flux
14 The Daedings, Deddington, England, OX15 0RT
+44 1869 338 153
Fund-raising Contacts
Kath Morris +44 1869 338 413
Josie Stevens +44 1869 338 305
"Beat the Beetles"
Preserving our Heritage