10th March 1877

The Hall is being used for entertainment - but much more interesting is the criticism of the bells!












This part of the report is  interesting in relation to Deddington Schools. Follow this link to read more about them









22 December 1877


A Musical evening from 5.30 - 10.00 pm! - in aid of the Band of Hope. This was a temperance organisation for working-class children. It was founded in Leeds in 1847. All members took a pledge of total abstinence and were taught the "evils of drink". Members were enrolled from the age of six and met once a week to listen to lectures and participate in activities.







16 March 1877

 A healthy membership of which 85 are under 16.










27April78Temeeting27 April 1877

Tea and Cricket




 10Aug78Primitivesteaandchickenstory10 August 1878

 A tea to mark the laying of the Foundation Stone of the Primitive Methodist Chapel in New Street. The 'novel chicken' seems thave been a great fundraising success!





 © The British Library Board. Jackson’s Oxford Journal

and my thanks to Jon Malings who extracted the reports from the Journal.

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