The Holly Tree Club Building

The club was founded by Mrs Cora Collin in 1962 when she gave her vegetable garden to the Parish of Deddington for the use of the elderly and the disabled.


Holly Tree Club members in 1950

A key to some of the faces can be found by following this link


The Holly Tree Trust came into being in 1964 as Charity No.244503. The Charity holds in trust the land and building for the Club, which is responsible for operation and upkeep.

Part of the land is on a 99-year lease from the Holly Tree Trust to a separate organisation, the Deddington Housing Association. The Association is a registered charity which oversees the upkeep of four cottages on Earl's Lane in the village of Deddington. It was established in the early 1970s following the donation of land from Cora Collin. 

A tribute to Cora Collin by Vivien Edmonson may be found on p5 of the April 1978 issue of the Deddington News and in this article by Ruth Johnson