Transcription of Chaundeler V Stilgo from National Archives Records, Kew
Reference: C/1/1417/9. Litigation. Date range 01 January 1556 – 31 December 155

Transcribed by Jon Malings from the original: a copy of which can be found HERE

To the most Rev[er]end father  in god Nicholas Lord  Archbishop
Of yorke and Lord Chauncellor of England

In most humble ?ise ?trax[tion?] unto your grace your erato?  William Chaundler of South ??ckendon in the Countie of ?Essex that where one John

Chaundler deceased late father of your said orato was sesed in his Demesne as of fee of and in one messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances situate and

Being in Dedyngton in the Countie of Oxford in a strete there called Castell Strete and so sesid died of that estate by protestacon thereof

sesid by and after whose deth the said messuage or tenement with the appurtenance  Dissendid and came and of right ought to dissend and come unto

your said orato as sonne and heare of the said John Chaundler his father   But so it is and please your grace that D?udse ?bideng

dede[deed]  writings and ?ccmryments [documents ?] touchyng the said messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances and of right belonging to your said orato be

?a?i?yn to ?thande and possession of one Thomas Stylgo of Dedington forsaid by reason of having of wich Evidences dedes and

Writings the said Thomas Stylgo not only ?hath ?it?ed ?unto the said messuage or tenement with the appurtenances and ?bep[?]th the possession

Therof committing the profitte of the same to his owne use and will in ?moneye permytt ?ne? suffre your said orato to ?entromyd?  ?ne ?midle

therwith but also hath contryvid [contrived] and made certeyn ?sar?ne and f/saynyd  ?state and conveyancs of the said messuage or tenemente

With the appurtertenances intending therby to disheyrite your said orato and his heires of the same  ??or lack of  having of wich Evidence dede

And wrytings your said  orato can suit mayntayn any ?accon at the ?conynd ?a??e for the ?Recaide[?recawd = record?] of the said messuage or tenement

With the appurtenances  nor can ?be suffered to entre therin unles he shold be put in danger and jup[er]dy of his life by the said Thomas

Stylgo of all which Evidence dedes and writings your said orato hath ??nse and  manye tymes  required the said Thomas

Stylgo to make ?delyvde but that to do he ?att all  tymes  hath  refused and denyed  and yet doth ?a?c?suct? contrary to all aright[acight]

Equite[equity] and consat?s and ?orasmyth as your said orato ?knowth not?  the  certeyn numbre of the ?same  Evidence deds and

Writings the ??part of them nor wherin they be conteyned ?? is without ???medye therfore by the Cowrse of the C?en? ?awe? and
So shall ?dynd? without remedye for the same bules your grace lawfull aide and pece be unto hym shewed in th?d behalf

?if maye the reasone please your grace the premisse considered to graunt the ?kynd and gudnes ma?? most gracious ???itt of

Subpoena to be directed to the said Thomas Stylgoe commanding hym by
vertue therof personally to appear befor our said

Sovraign Lord and Ladye in their most honnourable Court of Chaunc[er]y at a certeyn daie to answer to the premisse and to examen

The said matter and the circumstances of the same and therupon to sett such an order and di?con therin as shall stand with

Right equite [equity?] and consc?tans and as by your orato and the said court of chauncery shalbe thought most expedient and

necessarye in this behalf and your said orato shall praye for the p?nacon? of your grace in ?hannd? long to endure