Millennium Project

"I was born at Aynho Station which is situated on the borders of Northants alongside the old Great Western Railway, now BR*, and the Oxford canal.It consists of four cottages and a pub....on July 18, 1905".
So begins Bernard's account (*written in 1988/89) of life in this area in the early 20th century contained in what he called his 'Red Book' and whose individual chapters (pdfs) are listed below
- Aynho Station from 1905
- School Days, Aynho Village
- Aynho Village
- The Great Western Railway 1910-20
- The Oxford Canal 1910-20
- Somerton
- Clifton 1910
- Deddington - Early 1920s
- Hempton
- Banbury
- World War I
- World War II
- Working on the Oxford Canal 1959-1970
Deddington News
Bernard also wrote quite a few articles for the Deddington News drawing on those in his Red Book which can be found under the subject heading of 'Deddington Past' in this DN Index of articles.
This one in the December 1987 edition about Cart Horses is not listed Jumbo, Bob & Uncle
In the folder in which the contents of his Red Book are
contained in The Parish Archive there are also two draft articles with handwritten notes
by Angela Stone (joint DN editor with husband Norman) who typed up Bernard's articles. Both seemed destined for the DN but do not seem to have been published so they are reproduced here (pdfs)
Bernard's Obituary
by the Editors of the Deddington News together with a Banbury Guardian article written only four months before he died can be read HERE.