Census Data
Parish Archive
DOL Community website
Deddington News
Deddington History
Index F
People and Profiles
Created as a
Millennium Project
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(( Index C ))
(( Index D ))
(( Index E ))
(( Index F ))
(( Index G ))
(( Index H ))
(( Index I/J ))
(( Index K/L ))
(( Index M ))
(( Index N/O ))
(( Index P/Q ))
(( Index R ))
(( Index S ))
(( Index T ))
(( Index U/V ))
(( Index W ))
(( Index X/Y/Z ))
Clergy from 1247 A.D. - List
As I Remember - Book (pdf). George Harris
Deddington Families
Ruth Johnson's Profiles
Bill Marshall's Profiles
Some 19th Century characters
Some 19th Century residents
Bernard Bowerman's memories
Don Walker's memories
Jim Yerbury's memories
Tomb Effigy c.1330 - Ralph de Bereford.
Fardon clockmakers
Fenemore, George
Fisher, Beryl
Fletcher Sisters 19th C
Flux, Jean and Jim
Foreman, Amy
Forsyth, Rob (Mil)
Fortescue, John
Franklin, William
Franklins of Deddington
Franklyn, Peter & Paul (Mil)
Freeman, Evelyn
French & Cox Genealogy Report
French & Hopcraft famiies
French, Maurice (Mil)
Frost, Revd Dr Maurice
Frost, Reverend Maurice
Fuller, Brian
Fuller, Charlie