Rob Forsyth

I am indebted to Tommy Bull (resident of Tallahassee, Florida, USA) for his research into the early members of the Bull family.  He is a descendant of William Bull (b.1826) & Elizabeth (Eliza) Dean. Eliza is his 3rd G Grandmother and sister to Henry Dean, farmer, of Deddington.

The common ancestry of both families is shown in the tree below (click on images for larger versions)


24 March 1893. Richard Page Bull, Veterinary Surgeon, purchases a property in Deddington described as the '... freehold cottage in New Street and adjoining the style on the north afterwards in two cottages and now converted into a dwelling house.' Locally it became known as The Vet's House. It was not until 1962 that it was given its present name - The Stile House.


This invoice from 1898 indicates the practice was registered in the name of 'Bull & Sons'. Frances was only one at the time and Ronald not yet born - but possibly on the way!


1901census_Bull1901 Census. The family consists of Richard, wife Annie, daughter Frances

(3), Ronald (2), twin daughters Mona and Vera (1 month) and a 16 year old servant Lily Austin.The Bulls next door neighbour at Leaden Porch House is the farmer, Bryan Millington.

Bullcross1st November 1918. Ronald is killed in action in France serving in the 1st battalion Northants Regiment only 10 days before the Armistice. The original wooden cross from his battlefield grave is now one of a group hanging on the north wall in the church.

In May 1919, Bryan Millington took on Chairmanship of the committee to erect a War Memorial in the village.This is a role he no doubt undertook out of friendship with and respect for the Bulls but it is something he comes to regret because of village politics.

18 December 1925 Richard died aged 71

3rd November 1926. The property is vested in to the name of Annie Bull. The description now includes a surgery and states that the 2 cottages were demolished by 'RP Bull' in 1890. However, the same document says that he had purchased the property from Frederick Gulliver in 1893!

16th  April 1930. Annie Bull dies. The property passes to her daughter Vera.

23rd March 1932. Vera sells the property to Harriet Alice Beesley, wife of (George) Harry Beesley. Albert Harper and Don Walker, former Deddington residents, recall that Harry then ran a carpentry and coffin making business on the property and was an Undertaker.

1 April 1977 The Forsyth family purchase the propery. We were told that a hump in the grass was because  a horse had been buried by the Vet in what was still a small fenced paddock.

For details of all occupants of the property since 1756 click HERE

The Dean family

Henry Dean (b.1818) farmed Earls Farm in Deddington. He was a great supporter of Deddington Cricket Club as reported in a local newspaper article of 1871 (r); so much so that his neice, Annie, noted in her diary for 22 March 1872 that the club had presented him with a silver cup. This was fully reported in the local papers.




Henry owned Winmour Cottage in Philcote Street from 1840-77. More about him can be read in this detailed history of the cottage.