Millennium Project
The following information has been gleaned from various sources so dates and names in early years are uncertain.
The original title of the head of the Brigade was 'Captain'. When the Fire Service went National this became Sub-Officer if a single engine station as Deddington is ( Station Officer if two engines) and more recently has become Watch Manager.
Station Captains
1883 George Hedges
?? Lovell
???? Dr Saunders
1896 Dr Saunders - re-appointed when new Brigade formed by the
Parish Council
1934 Stanley Hall (possibly prior to this)
???? George Busby
Sub Officers
1953 The new Station was opened on 19 August when the Fire Brigade became National.
George Busby
George Albert Sanders
1968 Jim Franklin
Brian Franklin
1982 Albert Humphries. Served 1968 - 2001
2002 Anne Waters. Served 1996-2008
Watch Managers Title changed to accord with the London Fire Brigade
2004 Anne Waters. Served 1996-2008
2019 Chris Fennemore. Served 2002 -now (November 2023). His son Ben is serving in 2023. They
maybe the first Father & Son to do so in Deddington