Millennium Project
Adobe PDF format - also known as an "Acrobat" file - is the most common format on the World-Wide Web for sharing large or carefully formatted documents. By downloading a PDF file you will be able to view, print and save it for later. You will view or print the file as the author intended, not how your browser decided.
To view a PDF file you need to download a small piece of software called Adobe Reader. It is free of charge and available for many type of computer. You can always find the latest version on Adobe's web site.
Is it safe to download? The answer is a resounding "YES"! PDF is used by millions of web users around the world without problem.
Small print: despite the above, it is always good practice to run anti-virus software on any files that you download or receive from friends or colleagues. Deddington OnLine cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by downloading files.